What To Do With Your Herbs- Part 4-Pesto

Creamy Italian Pesto


My herbs are growing like crazy that I can barely keep up with them! My tomato plant is massive, yet I haven’t actually gotten a tomato to eat! I have this mama squirrel that has an obsession with my deck/apartment. She has tried on more than one occasion to get inside. I haven’t seen her as much since I got Henley but while at work yesterday, mama squirrel got into the tomato plant and destroyed most of the tomatoes. Revenge I believe :/

At least I have my basil which was growing out of C.O.N.T.R.O.L.!!! So what’s an Italian girl to do??? Make pesto!


What You Need: 

•4 cups of basil

•1/2-1 cup of olive oil

•1/3 cup of pine nuts

•1/2 cup Parma cheese

•3-4 cloves of garlic


What To Do:  

•Put all your ingredients in a food processor or blender (food processor works better but I’ve done the wooden spoon trick in the blender many times).

•Blend together until smooth by adding 1/4 cup of olive oil at a time.

•I like to combine my pesto with pasta or over chicken! Xoxo



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