Strawberry Chocolate Hazelnut Crepes

Strawberry Chocolate Hazelnut Crepes


Crepes, delicious crepes… When I think of crepes, I think of the time I visited the Eiffel Tower and had the most delicious chocolate hazelnut banana crepe.


Let me tell you, nothing beats that crepe but crepes are so easy to make! You can make sweet or savory crepes and experiment with different combinations. Best part is, you can make them ahead of time and freeze them! Just put a piece of wax paper in between each layer.

Let’s get ready to cook!

Combine flour, milk, eggs, and salt into a blender. Using a blender is easier but you can use a whisk as well. I like to blend and then whisk as I go. The crepe mixture should be very thin and runny.

crepes 1

In a skillet pan on medium heat, spray the pan with coconut spray. Add a very thin layer of the crepe mixture to the pan. It will start to pull up on the sides and you know you are ready to flip the crepe.  Be careful because they can easily break since they are so thin.

crepes 2

After the crepes have finished cooking, add a generous layer of hazelnut spread. Add strawberries on top and fold. You can get creative here and add different fruits or combinations of tasty ingredients. Have fun with it!

crepes 4

Below you will find a printable recipe card! Yay! I am now in the 21st century 🙂

Strawberry Chocolate Hazelnut Crepes


  • 1 cup of gluten free flour (or regular flour)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of soy milk (or the milk of your choice)
  • pinch of salt
  • Coconut oil spray (any nonstick spray will work)
  • Strawberries
  • Chocolate hazelnut spread


  1. In a blender, combine all the ingredients.
  2. In a large skillet pan, spray the inside with coconut oil spray so the crepe doesn’t stick.
  3. Add a VERY thin layer of the crepe mixture in the heated pan.
  4. When the edges start to get firm, gently flip over the crepe to cook on the other side.
  5. When both sides are cooked, fill your crepes with whatever you want! I used chocolate hazelnut spread and sliced strawberries. They were so good!!

Get creative with your crepes!! You can fill them with so many different combinations and they can be savory or sweet!


Enjoy xoxo

What To Do With Your Herbs- Part 4-Pesto

Creamy Italian Pesto


My herbs are growing like crazy that I can barely keep up with them! My tomato plant is massive, yet I haven’t actually gotten a tomato to eat! I have this mama squirrel that has an obsession with my deck/apartment. She has tried on more than one occasion to get inside. I haven’t seen her as much since I got Henley but while at work yesterday, mama squirrel got into the tomato plant and destroyed most of the tomatoes. Revenge I believe :/

At least I have my basil which was growing out of C.O.N.T.R.O.L.!!! So what’s an Italian girl to do??? Make pesto!


What You Need: 

•4 cups of basil

•1/2-1 cup of olive oil

•1/3 cup of pine nuts

•1/2 cup Parma cheese

•3-4 cloves of garlic


What To Do:  

•Put all your ingredients in a food processor or blender (food processor works better but I’ve done the wooden spoon trick in the blender many times).

•Blend together until smooth by adding 1/4 cup of olive oil at a time.

•I like to combine my pesto with pasta or over chicken! Xoxo
